12:56 AM

Free Home Based Business Kits

I have gotten many emails whereby visitors to my Home Based Directory Website are looking for help in determining which types of online business or web based business is best for them. There are a lot of choices one needs to make up front to give you the best chance for success.

You should not simply join the first Home Based Business that offers to pay you a lot of money for doing nothing. I decided to do some research with an eye toward finding companies that offer free info so you can get an information packet before you pay and fees. It's too late after you have spent the money to realize that the business does not match your work at home profile. You may be asking yourself what is a work at home profile? It is a term I came up with a year or so ago when trying to understand why some people were successful and others failed miserably working online. What I noticed was that many of the failures were when people did one of the following:

1. Jumped into the first program offering to pay them something for nothing.
2. Joined programs that required skills sets they did not have.
3. Joined programs that required them to work hours they could not work.
4. Joined programs that required them to do tasks they were not comfortable doing.
5. Joined programs that would not allow them to reach their income goals.

What should you do to give yourself the best chance at being successful? You should use a website like mine, but not necessarily mine that has done some level of research for you or be prepared to do the work yourself. It must be done and cannot be overstated. Once you have finished your research then match any programs against the (5) five items identified above and make sure you have addressed them all.

In doing my research I found several companies that were willing to provide you with some free information. I would setup a separate email account and sign up for as many of these as possible. What can it hurt to get some information as long as it does not cost you anything? You will probably answer some of the questions you may have. Take the information with a grain of salt realizing they are promoting a product, not necessarily a bad one, compare it to other information you may have accumulated and use it when trying to determine which types of Home Based Business you will likely start. Please feel free to read both this article or one of my many others by visiting my link in the resource box below. I always enjoy getting emails pertaining to my articles or my site. Your feedback is important to me.

Take your time, do your research, join 2 - 3 programs, exercise patience and enjoy building your new Home Based Business up to an pass the income objectives you have set for yourself and your family. Take control of your financial situation.

Article Source: http://www.wahm-articles.com

12:51 AM

Can You Make Money from Home as an Entrepreneur? 10 Ways to Know if You're Ready

Could you make money from home as an entrepreneur? As you leave behind your kids, your hopes, or your dreams for another day at the office, you catch yourself wondering if it's possible. When you see work at home moms and entrepreneurs loving the work they do and enjoying the lifestyle they created, you may be contemplating if you're ready to make money from home too.

If your situation is similar to mine at all, you may have started out enjoying your career, the status or even the money that would help you and your family reach your personal and financial goals. But instead, the quality time with family, financial security and future you dreamed of seems more distant every day. You know that the possibilities of becoming an entrepreneur and making money from home could be the solution.

You also know that you'll need a lot more than a sense of disillusionment to become a successful entrepreneur. You're going to need a solid plan and the ability to follow through on that plan.

As someone who does successfully make money from home and is enjoying the lifestyle I dreamed of, I have come up with 10 ways to know if you're ready to make the transition and become a successful entrepreneur.

1. You're a true leader. An innovative leader who can tackle any challenge head-on with a positive mindset is well-positioned to become a successful entrepreneur.

2. You're committed to your success. Failure is not an option and you are committed to following a plan proven to help you gain success.

3. You want to create financial stability for yourself and your family. You no longer want your income to be dependent on your monthly paycheck, the economy, or corporate decisions beyond your control.

4. You are not enjoying your current quality of life, and long for the freedom to stay home with the kids, travel when you feel like it, or pursue your favorite hobby. As an entrepreneur, you can create the income, the time and the freedom to enjoy the lifestyle you choose.

5. You know you need to gain and sustain a healthier lifestyle. As an entrepreneur, you'll have the flexibility to make time to care for yourself, get the rest you need, eat healthier meals and exercise.

6. You want to lower your work-related stress and stop worrying about money. When you live the entrepreneurial lifestyle, you have control over your daily routine and can choose how much money you want to earn.

7. You want to genuinely help people and make a difference in their lives.

8. You've hit a ceiling in your current career or pay scale, but you know you could accomplish more if the opportunity was available to you.

9. You are committed to personal development and are coachable. You may not have the knowledge, skills or experience in all areas, and are open to learning best practices that will help you to soar with a spirit of excellence.

10. Most importantly, you have access to a business opportunity with a proven plan that can realistically bring you the results you need.

If the items on the above list resonate with you, you may be ready to embark on your own entrepreneurial journey that will enable you to earn income from home

While the desire for success is key, it is important to remember that you will also need access to a business opportunity with a proven plan for success in any economy. Direct sales is a great option. Look for a business that's as strong a leader as you are to put you on the right path to make money from home.

Article Source: http://www.wahm-articles.com

To discover a legitimate home business opportunity that can offer you give the financial freedom you've always dreamed of, I invited you to visit www.stepuptofreedom.com and fill in the form for information. You'll receive detailed information and a step by step plan for launching your way to success! Natural health expert and Entrepreneur Rita Canada helps busy Executives, Entrepreneurs and Work at Home moms detox their bodies, lose inches, get in shape, and feel great so they have more energy for their life and business. She also helps those who desire to transition find their way to financial freedom. She previously held several Presidential and Vice Presidential Executive appointments, and is currently a Diamond Leader in her direct sales company, a mother and a founding member of a Foundation that benefits children in Africa.

This article may be reprinted for free so long as the author's resource box is kept intact and all links remain live and clickable. The Article Source must also be included. All rights are reserved by the author

5:21 PM

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5:02 PM


At some unknown, but fateful, point in medieval history, a moneylender realised that the essence of a viable money system is confidence and that, once this confidence was established, a magical and very remunerative trick could be played.

Typically, the moneylenders were possessors of a stock of precious metals, which they would loan out into the community.

They found that, once they gained a reputation for reliability, instead of transferring actual gold or silver they could issue a promise to pay backed by the real wealth known to be in their vaults.

Their next discovery was that, as long as people believed in the convertibility of the promises to pay, such promises could be issued to a value considerably beyond that of their holdings of precious metals.

If experience taught the moneylender that only one tenth of his clients would at any particular time insist on payment in actual coin or bullion, he could safely make loans totaling about ten times the value of his reserves of bullion.

Thus was born financial credit and the principle of what we now know as fractional reserve banking, which has both allowed the community to expand the economy with unprecedented rapidity and delivered control over the expansion to the financiers.

The important points to grasp are:
(1) the promises to pay functioned perfectly well even though they were issued on a fraudulent representation of convertibility;
(2) the moneylender retained discretion to vary the availability of the promises to pay and there was never an exact correspondence between the total value of the promises to pay and the overall monetary needs of the community;
(3) the promises to pay purportedly derived their value from the bullion in the moneylender's vault but, in fact, this value came from the actual and potential productivity of the community itself.

While the pretence that financial credit is based on precious metals has been abandoned, all these features have survived in modem financial systems, whose function is to create the financial credit of the community.

It should be noted that the moneylender's promises to pay circulated from hand to hand in trade as a commodity.

Acceptance of the principle that money is a commodity has ever since made it impossible to establish a scientific relationship between the true monetary requirements of the economy and the availability of money.

Since money is regarded as a commodity, its proprietors undertake constantly to enhance its value. This is achieved by causing demand for it to be high, which in turn is achieved by keeping it in short supply.

Indeed, throughout the entire evolution of the money system -- which financiers have essentially been able to guide to suit their own ends -- maintaining a chronic shortage of financial credit has been the key to ensuring the financiers' dominant position in the economy.

5:01 PM


Let us imagine an economy in which there is only one bank. Soon after beginning business it finds that individuals and firms have placed £10,000 with it for safe-keeping. Its balance sheet (ignoring the shareholders' capital or property owned by the bank)
The balance sheet is in effect a photograph of the bank's position at a particular point in time. The liabilities show the amounts that the bank may be called upon to provide to its customers and the assets show the cash and other resources available to the bank to meets its liabilities.

At this stage it is quite clear that the bank has sufficient cash in its till to meet any demands made by its customers.

In practice customers prefer to settle their debts with each other by cheque, ordering the bank to transfer money from one account to another. Thus if Adam and Brown have each deposited £500 at the bank, and Adam owes Brown £100, he can settle his debt by instructing the bank to reduce his account by £100 and to increase Brown's by the same amount. No cash changes hands; the bank still has obligations to its customers of £10,000; there has simply been a slight readjustment to those obligations.

If all the bank's depositors were always prepared to settle their debts in this way the bank could forget all about its holdings of cash. Customers will, however, need to draw a certain amount of cash from the bank each week to make small payments (it is not usual to write cheques for very small amounts) and to pay those people who prefer not to use the banking system.

If the bank discovers that, at the most, the weekly withdrawal of cash amounts to 10 per cent of total deposits, and that this is quickly re-deposited by traders accepting cash payments from customers, then the most cash the bank needs to meet demands from its customers with deposits of £10,000 is actually only £1000.

Alternatively we may take the view that with cash in hand of £10,000 the bank can afford liabilities of £100,000.

In this case let us imagine a customer, Mr Clark, who approaches the bank for a loan of £1000. The bank manager is agreeable and opens an account for him with a credit balance of £1000. Mr Clark can now write cheques to the value of £1000 although he has placed no money in the bank; he simply promises to repay the £1000 plus interest, having probably offered some security to the bank.
There is now insufficient cash to supply all the customers if they wished to withdraw their deposits, but the bank knows that the most that is likely to be withdrawn is £1100.

It will, therefore, be prepared to go on making loans (or creating credit, which is the same thing) until the cash that is held is equivalent to only 10 per cent of deposits (as per Balance Sheet 3)

So far as customers are concerned the standing of their account is the same whether they have actually deposited cash to open the account or whether it has been created by a loan. When they spend their money the recipient has no means of knowing whether or not they originally deposited cash.

Thus in creating credit the banks have added to the money supply.

5:00 PM


Money is simply the medium we use to exchange goods and services. Without it, buying and selling would be impossible except by direct exchange.

Notes and coins are virtually worthless in their own right. They take on value as money because we all accept them when we buy and sell.

To keep trade and economic activity going, there has to be enough of this medium of exchange called money in existence to allow it all to take place.

When there is plenty, the economy booms. When there is a shortage, there is a slump.

In the Great Depression, people wanted to work, they wanted goods and services, all the raw materials for industry were available, yet national economies collapsed because there was far too little money in existence.

The only difference between boom and bust, growth and recession, is money supply.

Someone has to be responsible for making sure that there is enough money in existence to cover all the buying and selling that people want to engage in.

Each nation has a Central Bank to do this -- in Britain, it is the Bank of England, in the United States, the Federal Reserve.

Central Banks act as banker for commercial banks and the government -- just as individuals and businesses in Britain keep accounts at commercial banks, so commercial banks and government keep accounts at the Bank of England.

In Britain today, notes and coins now account for only 3% of our total money supply, down from 50% in 1948. The remaining 97% is supplied as a debt by the Bank of England, commercial banks, and financial institutions -- on which interest is payable.

This pattern is repeated across the globe.

Banks are businesses out to make profits from the interest on the loans they make. Since they alone decide to whom they will lend, they effectively decide what is produced, where it is produced and who produces it, all on the basis of profitability to the bank, rather than what is beneficial to the community.

With bank created credit now at 97% of money supply, entire economies are run for the profit of financial institutions. This is the real power, rarely recognised or acknowledged, to which all of us including governments the world over are subject.

Our money, instead of being supplied debt-free as a means of exchange, now comes as a debt owed to bankers providing them with vast profits, power and control, as the rest of us struggle with an increasing burden of debt.

By supplying credit to those of whom they approve and denying it to those of whom they disapprove, international bankers can create boom or bust, and support or undermine governments.

How much could prices fall and wages increase if businesses did not have to pay huge sums in interest payments which have to be added to the cost of goods and services they supply?

How much could taxes be reduced and spending on public services such as health and education be increased if governments created money themselves instead of borrowing it at interest from private banks?

4:20 PM

A Brief Guide to Money Making Surveys

With hard work and dedication you can earn an income online by completing money making surveys. Like any other method of earning cash you get out of it what you put in; in other words you only reap what you sow. A farmer has to plough the earth, sow seeds, tend to weeding and ward of pests before he reaps his crop; you will also have to expend time and effort upfront before you reap the cash from doing surveys. You get nothing for nothing in this world but if you do the work you can make a very good living sitting at home giving your opinions.

So where do you start? What is the quickest and safest way to create a home business for yourself?

Find legitimate survey companies who genuinely want your opinion on their product or service.

Register with as many of these legitimate survey companies as you have time to do so. Each company may only require you to do a few surveys per year so you need to be registered with a large number of them to ensure regular income.

Create a working routine for yourself. Initially you will spend more time registering than doing surveys but as we said you need to plant those seeds. So each day spend a few hours registering with legitimate survey companies. Once the surveys start coming in you can split your time between completing surveys and registering with other companies.

Eventually you will have more work that you can do; at that point you start being choosy about which surveys pay the best for the least effort.

Points to watch out for :-

Your time is valuable so don't spend it registering with unprofessional companies. You know not to pay to register with a survey company and you know not to pay to test products but don't waste your time giving your personal details to a company which will never send you any surveys.

Some of these companies collect your details and sell them to spammers. You get nothing for your effort except lots of spam for products you don't want.

As I said earlier with hard work upfront you can create a home business completing surveys and earning a good income; the harder you work the more you earn.

Just make sure you avoid the pit falls and the best way of doing that is to join a survey directory which contains lists of genuine survey companies.

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